Hi there! Welcome!
I'm Victor Fung, a music educator and researcher at the University of South Florida since 2004. I have lectured at 30+ institutions and presented at 100+ conferences across Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. My current research interests are music and aging, Asian philosophies of music education, and world music preferences and pedagogy. I am glad to share my thoughts with anyone interested in a deep understanding of music learning in their lives. |
The latest:
Latest books:
Latest publications:
Forthcoming presentation:
- Fung, C.V., & Tan, L. (Eds.). (2024). The Oxford handbook of Asian philosophies in music education. Oxford University Press.
- Lehmberg L.J. & Fung, C.V. (2023). Music, senior centers, and quality of life. Cambridge University Press.
- Fung C.V. & Lehmberg, L.J. (Eds.). (2023). Meanings of music participation: Scenarios from the United States. Routledge.
- Fung, C.V. (2018). A way of music education: Classic Chinese wisdoms. Oxford University Press. Translated to Chinese and published as:
- Fung, C.V., & Lehmberg, L.J. (2016). Music for life: Music participation and quality of life of senior citizens. Oxford University Press. Translation to Chinese and published as:
Latest publications:
- Fung, C.V., & Tan, L. (2024) "Love of all wisdoms": Toward a multiphilosophical approach to music education. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 32(2), 96-111. https://doi.org/10.2979/pme.00011
- Kang, S., Yoo, H., Fung, C.V., & Matsunobu, K. (2024). Virtual musical instruments in music classrooms: Performing with East Asian music cultures. Music Educators Journal, 110(3), 28-36. https://doi.org/10.1177/00274321241237403
- Fung, C.V. (2024). Recapturing an everlasting human spirit in music education. In C. Randles (Ed.), Milestones in music education (pp. 1-19). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003245681-1
- Guo, H., Chen, X., Fung, C.V., Chen, F., Yuan, W., Li, Y. (2023). Effects of primary school principal support and teaching characteristics on students’ music academic achievement using a hierarchical linear model. Current Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-05347-w
- Fung, C.V. (2023). Ways of caring in music education through the lens of Confucianism and Daoism. In K. S. Hendricks (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education (pp. 130-140). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197611654.013.14
- Lehmberg, L.J., & Fung, C.V. (2023). Caring connection, music participation, and quality of life of older adults. In K. S. Hendricks (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education (pp. 395-407). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197611654.013.36
- Fung, C.V., & Guan, T. (2023). Pre-Qin philosophical concept revealed and applied in music education research: The case of yin and yang [前诸子时期哲学概念在音乐教育研究中的体现与运用——以“阴阳”平衡为例]. Journal of Nanjing Art Institute [Nanjing Yishu Xueyuan Xuebao 南京艺术学院学报].
- Kang, S., Fung, C.V., & Yoo, H. (2023). Preservice music teachers’ world music preference for taught pieces and its transfer to untaught pieces. Journal of Research in Music Education, 71(1), 91-110. https://doi.org/10.1177/00224294221108497
- Bulut, M.H., Fung, C.V., Lehmberg, L.J., Kindap Tepe, Y., Hernly, P., Özgül, Y., Mehdiyev, E., & Kaptan, Z. (2022). Varied musical experiences and openness of university students in Turkey and the United States. Sage Open, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440221139468
- Fung, C.V. [Feng Zhiqiang 冯志强] [translated by Tu, J. 涂金伟]. (2022). The synergies of Sino-Western music education and the research [Zhongxifang yinyuejiaoyu jiqi yanjiu de xietong zengxiao 中西方音乐教育及其研究的协同增效]. China Music Education [Zhongguo yinyue jiaoyu 中国音乐教育], 335(5), 55-61.
- Leung, B.W., & Fung, C.V. (2022). Perceptions surrounding the development of personal style in Cantonese opera among artists, connoisseurs, and beginner audiences in Hong Kong. Psychology of Music, 51(1), 244-258. https://doi.org/10.1177/03057356221091599
- Guo, H., Yuan, W., Fung, C.V., Chen, F., & Li, Y. (2022). The relationship between extracurricular music activity participation and music and Chinese language academic achievements of primary school students in China. Psychology of Music, 50(3), 742-755. https://doi.org/10.1177/03057356211027642
- Yuan, W., Guo, H., Fung, C.V., Chen, F., Liu, L., Xu, L., & Li, Y. (2021) Family SES and Chinese adolescents' academic achievement in the arts: The mediating role of family arts resources and the moderating role of family arts atmosphere. Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.751135/full
- Fung, C.V. (2021). Philosophical links in music education. In Ö. Özaltunoglu & G. Yuvaci (eds.), International Music and Fine Arts Education Symposium: Abstract Book (Uluslararası Müzik ve Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Sempozyumu: Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı) (pp. 3-4). Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education [in English and Turkish]. Accessible at https://www.academia.edu/52705744/Umges_bildiri_ozetleri_kitab
- Fung, C.V. (2021). Creativity in music education in the United States. International Journal of Creativity in Music Education, 8, 104-130. [Transcription of lecture at Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, on October 20, 2018]
- Fung, C.V., Williams, D.A., Bugos, J., & Randles, C. (2020). Foreword to the Suncoast Declaration. Music Educators Journal, 106(3), 19-22. https://doi.org/10.1177/0027432119893911
- Fung, C.V. (2020). Haiku (俳句) and creative music lesson. 音楽の授業づくりジャーナル [Music Lesson Study Journal], 3, 50-51.
- Fung, C.V. (2019). Aesthetic education—classic Chinese perspectives. In M. A. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Singapore: Springer Nature.
- Fung, C.V. (2019). Education. In J. Sturman (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Fung, C.V. (2019). Schools and universities. In J. Sturman (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Forthcoming presentation:
- Fung, C.V. Rapping a philosophy of music education: A song for music teachers. Paper will be presented at the Annual Conference of the Florida Music Education Association, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. (2025, January).
- Fung, C.V. Myths and resolutions of doing philosophy in music education. Paper presented at the Fourth International Music and Fine Arts Education Symposium. Sivas, TURKEY. Virtual. (2024 November).
- Lehmberg, L.J., & Fung, C.V. Music educators’ community music preparation and involvement. Paper will be presented at the 2024 National Association for Music Education Biennial Music Research and Teacher Education Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. (2024, September).
- Fung, C.V. A way of AI and music education through a classic Chinese philosophical perspective. Paper presented at the 36th World Conference of the International Society of Music Education, Helsinki, FINLAND (2024, July).
- Fung, C.V., Hu, Y., & Li, Y. Music education philosophical quotes emerged in publications in China (1984-2023). Paper presented at the 36th World Conference of the International Society of Music Education, Helsinki, FINLAND (2024, July).
- Fung, C.V., Kang, S., & Yoo, H. Music teachers’ preferences for diverse traditional and contemporary popular songs and their use in classes. Paper presented at the 2024 American Educational Research Association annual meeting. Philadelphia, PA (2024, April) and at the 2024 National Association for Music Education Biennial Music Research and Teacher Education Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. (2024, September).
- Fung, C.V. (2024 May). Change, balance, and liberation in music education in the age of digital transformation. Presented at the International Academic Conference on Music Education in the Context of Digital Transformation, Jimei University, Xiamen, CHINA.
- Fung, C.V. (2024 March). The human spirit in AI, aging, and the arts: A way to move forward. Keynote speech presented at the Asia-Pacific International Conference on Arts & Humanities. Hualien, CHINA. Virtual.
- Fung, C.V. A way of artificial intelligence (AI) and music education through a classic Chinese philosophical perspective. Paper presented at the Third International Music and Fine Arts Education Symposium. Sivas, TURKEY. Virtual. (2023 November).
- Heinz, M., Bishop, A., Pecorini, B.C., Fields, N.L., Lehmberg, L. J., & Fung, C.V. Engaging in artistic and creative opportunities to help understand the aging experience. Symposium presented at the Gerontological Society of America 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting. Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. (2023, November).
- Fung, C.V., Kang, S., & Yoo, H. Music teachers’ personal and external preferences for culturally diverse traditional and contemporary popular songs and their use in classes. Paper presented at the 14th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research. Seoul, SOUTH KOREA (2023, August).
- Kang, S., Yoo, H., Fung, C.V., & Matsunobu, K. Digital technology to promote culturally diverse music activities. Panel presented at the 14th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research. Seoul, SOUTH KOREA (2023, August).
- Fung, C.V., & Tan, L. Love of all wisdoms: Toward a multiphilosophical approach to music education. Paper presented at the 13th International Symposium on the Philosophy of Music Education. Oslo, NORWAY. (2023, June).
- Fung, C.V., & Lehmberg, L.J. (2022, November). Musical opportunities in senior centers pre- and mid-pandemic. Paper presented at the 2022 National Association for Music Education National Conference. National Harbor, Maryland, U.S.A.
- Fung, C.V. (2022 October). Confucianism, Daoism, and Illuminationism as essentials in music education philosophy. Paper presented at the Second International Music and Fine Arts Education Symposium. Sivas, TURKEY. Virtual.
- Fung, C.V. (2022 March). Music for seniors is music for everyone. Keynote speech presented at the Forum on Art and Social Change (2022): Art and Ageing. Hong Kong, CHINA. Virtual Conference.
- Fung, C.V. (2022 February). Chinese philosophies and music education. Open lecture/seminar presented at the University of North Dakota, U.S.A., (virtual) and at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, BRAZIL (virtual).
- Fung, C.V. (2022 January). Dreaming of a philosophical unity in music education. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Florida Music Education Association, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
- Fung, C.V. (2021 September). A music educator's perspective on "changes" and " possibilities." Keynote speech presented at the 13th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, Tokyo, JAPAN. Virtual Conference.
- Kang, S., Fung, C.V., & Yoo, H. (2021 September). Preservice music teachers' world music preference and its transfer to untaught pieces. Paper presented at the 13th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, Tokyo, JAPAN. Virtual Conference.
- Fung, C.V. (2021 July). The human spirit, music, and prosperity: Chinese and Western perspectives. Paper presented at the Music, Spirituality, and Wellbeing International Conference: Fostering Wellbeing in Times of Global Crisis. Virtual Conference.
- Fung, C.V. (2021 June). Philosophical links in music education. Paper presented at the International Music and Arts Education Symposium. Virtual Conference.
- Fung, C.V. (2021 April). Eastern philosophies of wisdom. Workshop to be presented at Artists Seeking Transcendence. Virtual Workshop.
- Fung, C.V., Kang, S., Ma, D., Burburan, M., & Guo, K. (2021 February). Transformation of Confucianism and Daoism in music education. Symposium presented at the 2021 National Association for Music Education National Conference. Virtual Conference.
- Kang, S., Fung, C.V., & Yoo, H. (2021 February). Preservice music teachers' world music preference and its transfer to untaught pieces. Paper presented at the 2021 National Association for Music Education National Conference. Virtual Conference.
- Fung, C.V. (2021 February). Human and nature in music education. Paper presented at the 2021 National Association for Music Education National Conference. Virtual Conference.
- Mascari, M., & Fung, C.V. (2021 February). Applying the concept of "mu" (or "wu") with students in a gifted-magnet high-school ensemble. Poster presented at the 2021 National Association for Music Education National Conference. Virtual Conference.
- Fung, C.V. (2021 January). Yin and yang in music teaching and learning: A way to approach balance. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Florida Music Education Association, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. Virtual Conference.
- Fung, C.V. (2020 May). Yin and yang in music education research. Seminar presented at the Education University of Hong Kong, CHINA.
- Fung, C.V. (2019 November). Is Music Education in China at a Turning Point? A Comparative Perspective. Lecture presented at the Symposium on Comparative Music Education, Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, Hangzhou, CHINA.
- Fung, C.V. (2019 October). Repossessing the human spirit in music education. Lecture presented at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.
- Fung, C.V., Mito, H., Obata, C., Takasu, H., Azechi, N., Ogawa, Y., Suga, H., & Kuwaharada, Y. (2019 July). Music participation and quality of life of senior citizens in Japan. Panel to be presented at the 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, Macau, CHINA.
- Fung, C.V. (2019 June). The human spirit and music in a classic Chinese philosophical perspective. Paper presented at the 12th Symposium of the International Society for the Philosophy of Music Education. London, Ontario, CANADA.
- Lehmberg, L.J., & Fung, C.V. (2019 May). Music participation and quality of life of senior citizens. Paper presented at the Music and Health Exchange: Crossroads of Music and Wellness, Berklee College of Music, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
- Fung, C.V. (2019 March). Assessing the status of musical activity participation. Paper to be presented at the 7th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, Advancing Music Education through Assessment: Honoring Culture, Diversity, and Practice. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.
- Fung, C.V., Li, Y., Wan, G., Song, L., & Guo H. (2019 March). National music education quality assessment in China. Panel to be presented at the 7th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, Advancing Music Education through Assessment: Honoring Culture, Diversity, and Practice. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.
- Lehmberg, L.J., & Fung, C.V. (2019 February). Music participation and quality of life in senior centers in the United States. Paper presented at the Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium XII, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
- Kang, S., & Fung, C.V. (2019 January). Musical and pedagogical manifestations and transformation of Confucianism and Daoism. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Florida Music Education Association. Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
- Fung, C.V. (2018 December). Practices of music education in the United States with influences of the development of creativity. Lecture-seminar presented at Okayama University, Okayama, JAPAN.
- Fung, C.V. (2018 October). Creativity in music education in the United States. Lecture presented at Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, JAPAN.
- Fung, C.V., & Lehmberg, L.J. (2018 September). Preliminary findings of music participation and quality of life in senior centers in the United States. Paper presented at the Aging and Society: Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference: 2018 Special Focus: Aging, Health, Well-being and Care in a Time of Extreme Demographic Change, Tokyo, JAPAN.
- Fung, C.V. (2018 August). Disseminating music education research with an international audience in mind. Keynote address presented at the 2018 Japan Music Education Society, Tokyo, JAPAN.
- Fung, C.V. (2018 July). Music education for life: The effects of compulsory music education. Lecture presented at the Beijing Normal University, Beijing, CHINA.